Deepen Your Faith and Enhance Your Writing Journey

Welcome to the Christian Authors Network Success Guides

These Success Guides are created to inspire and support you in your journey as a Christian author. They are designed to encourage spiritual growth, provide writing prompts, and offer challenges to help you grow in your faith and craft.

Explore Past Success Guides

Looking for inspiration from previous months? Browse our collection of past Success Guides and find the encouragement you need.



June 2024 Success Guide

Sowing Seeds of Faith

May 2024 Success Guide

Creation Stewardship

April 2024 Success Guide

Resurrection & Hope

March 2024 Success Guide

Love GOD, Love People

February 2024 Success Guide

Seeking God's Will

January 2024 Success Guide

How To Use These Guides

Download: Click the photos to download the guides in PDF format.

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Reflect: Take time to read through the Bible verses and journaling prompts.

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Act: Participate in the monthly challenge and incorporate the prayer guides into your daily routine.

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Share: Join the conversation in our Facebook group to share your insights and progress.

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